Announcements and Reminders
You are invited to attend our monthly dinner (except as noted) held at 6:30 pm on the third Tuesday of each month at 5th & Warren, Bremerton -Stated at 7:30 pm.
Ritual practice on Tuesdays.
See Calendar:

Grand Lodge Events: Click Here

Video Gallery
This is a short video about Freemasonry. Click the arrow on the Video to watch it.
Freemasonry is the oldest and the largest fraternal order in the world. It is a universal brotherhood of men dedicated to serving God, family, fellowman and country.
The heritage of modern Freemasonry is derived from the organized guilds or unions of stone masons who constructed the beautiful cathedrals and other stately structures throughout Europe during the middle ages. The skills and architectural genius of these craftsmen and their commitment to the highest standards of moral and ethical values were universally applauded, and unlike other classes of people, they were allowed to travel freely from country to country. Thus, during this period, the word "Free" was prefixed to the word mason, and these craftsmen, and the generations of masons who followed, were referred to as Freemasons.